Non-smoking initiatives to help employees – Sekure Payment Experts

Wednesday, May 14th 2014: Sekure is proud to have put in place a great, healthy initiative in order to help employees quit smoking. Three months have passed already, and we are pleased to announce that the results have been extremely positive!
All of our candidates that participated had their own goal in mind, whether that was to cut down on the number of cigarettes per week, cutting cold turkey or cutting down slowly, we are proud of each and every participant! Our winners are Damien, Stephanie, Jim, and Giancarlo! They have all received their prizes and we hope this is the beginning to a better, healthier lifestyle.
Of course, our participants had a little help from their friends at work whose goal was to keep them on track! They came out winners too! A special thanks to Michelle, Emily, Thanusa, Erin and Kirsten!
The journey wasn't easy, but the results were worth the battle! Here are a some experiences of one of our participants:
How difficult was it to stop smoking for you?
“It was a bit difficult the first week but afterward it just got easier with time.”
Would you refer this program to other employees?
“Absolutely! It’s a great program and worked for me. Provided me the extra push to quit.”-Stephanie
The Next Steps
We decided to implement this initiative in the hopes that our fellow employees would be encouraged to adopt a healthier lifestyle. The results were fantastic, and we were extremely pleased with everyone who played a part in the Non-Smoking Initiative. We plan to continue the program with the goal of expanding it to our other departments, and eventually, within the entire company. We are excited to see some more amazing results, and we will of course share our experience with you along the way.
We not only encourage Sekure employees to take part, but we also would like to inspire more companies to step forward and adopt this healthy initiative with their own team.